Organizing Committee
Chair: |
Takashi Ishikawa |
Japan Society for Composite Materials |
Japan |
Vice Chair: |
H. Thomas Hahn |
Chair of ICCM-EC |
Ozden Ochoa |
American Society for Composites |
Costas Galiotis |
European Society for Composite Materials |
Greece |
Debes Bhattacharyya |
Asian-Australasian Association for Composite Materials |
New Zealand |
Viktor Verijenko |
ICCM-15 |
South Africa |
Bill M. Banks |
ICCM-17 |
UK |
Presidential Advisory Board
Local Organizing Committee
Chair: |
Takashi Ishikawa |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Vice Chair: |
Hiroshi Fukuda |
Tokyo University of Science |
Conference Secretaries: |
Masaki Hojo |
Kyoto University |
Toshio Ogasawara |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Sunao Sugimoto |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Local Advisory Board
Organizing Committee
Advisory Board for Chairs
Scientific Committee (ISC)
Committee on Composite Materials (ICCM) Executive Council (EC)
Strategic Alliance Partners (SAP)
A list of SAP societies of ICCM-16 is available here
Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
The Local Organizing Committee of ICCM-16 would like to sincerely thank
JAXA for their support of ICCM-16.

(Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Asian Office of Aerospace Research
and Development)
The Local Organizing Committee of ICCM-16 wish to thank the following for
their contribution to the success of this conference: AOARD/AFOSR.

(Office of Naval Research, US Navy)
The Local Organizing Committee of ICCM-16 wish to thank the following for
their contribution to the success of this conference: ONR.

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