Dear Colleague
On behalf of Local Organizing Committee of ICCM-16 formed in the Japan Society for Composite Materials, we would like to invite you to attend the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16) to be held in Kyoto, Japan from 8(registration only ) to 13 July, 2007 at International Conference Center, Kyoto (ICCK).
This conference follows a pre-eminent tradition of ICCM, the most excellent conference series in the world. The world's leading composite scientists, engineers and designers keep attending ICCM series to present their newest findings and learn the latest achievements in these very active high-technology fields.
The conference main theme is defined as follows:
"A Giant Step towards Environmental Awareness: From Green Composites to Aerospace". This theme symbolizes a contribution of composite materials to the global environment and two extreme cases in composites research such as aerospace applications and green composites, which contains the vegetal reinforcements. This theme also implies that the conference venue is ICCK), birthplace of Kyoto Protocol for Carbon Dioxide Reduction.
Special features at ICCM-16 are:
‘ Great Volume of Papers: Total of 711 papers including plenary presentations from all over the world are presented at the conference.
‘ Good Mixture of Specialist and General Sessions: Roughly 320 papers will be presented in 27 Specilaist Sessions, 330 papers in General sessions, and 50 papers in a poster session.
‘ Informative Plenary Lectures: Plenary talks including Historical Overview and Scala Lecture will be given by Prof. R. Byron Pipes, Prof. Isao Kimpara, Prof. Israel Herszberg, Dr. Yapa D. S. Rajapakse, Prof. C. T. Sun, Prof. Richard A. Pethrick, Prof. Stepan V. Lomov, Prof. Chang S. Hong, Prof. Goichi Ben and Prof. Anthony M Waas, highlighting this conference.
‘ First Attempt of Tsai Best Student Paper Award: Six finalist selected from three regions will compete at the award presentation session.
‘ Social Events: Welcome Reception and Conference Banquet are planned. Please enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and chats with old and new colleagues.
The organizing committee of ICCM-16 is pleased to invite you to attend this great conference. Also as you know, Kyoto is a cultural heart of Japan and the great historical city. Please enjoy Kyoto itself with the mood of the famous gGionh festival.
We look forward to seeing you in Kyoto for a very informative and enjoyable event!
Takashi Ishikawa General Chair, ICCM-16 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Kazuro Kageyama Chair, Publication Committee, ICCM-16 The University of Tokyo |
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