Program planning committee
Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Chairman, Japan, Kozo Kawata, Vice Chairman, Japan, Sokichi Umekawa, Vice Chairman, Japan
4th International Conference on Composite Materials
Conference date: October 25-28, 1982
Conference location: Tokyo, Japan
Editors: Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Kozo Kawata and Sokichi Umekawa
Publisher: The Japan Society for Composite Materials, c/o Business Center for Academic Societies Japan 2-4-6, Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan
Program planning committee
Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Chairman, Japan, Kozo Kawata, Vice Chairman, Japan, Sokichi Umekawa, Vice Chairman, Japan
Creation and development of new high performance materials are our confronted necessity for current energy saving and conservation of natural resources.
Composite materials have been drawing world-wide attention. Their potential applications are highly anticipated as they are capable of meeting with diversified requirements In materials properties. We can easily recognize such a trend In materials needs by the fact that since 1975 the numbers of conferences and published researches In this field have been remarkably increased.
Among them all, International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM) Is considered to be one of the most Important activities. The first meeting was held In 1975 In Geneva and Boston, then 1977 In Toronto, 1980 In Paris, and this Tokyo Conference In October 1982 Is the fourth.
In order to fullfll the recent demands, we decided that the scope of the present conference should cover from Individual materials to structures, and also from designs to applications. As a result, besides one Scala Lecture, 6 General Lectures and 5 Workshops, we have received about 250 contributed papers (ca 100 from Japan and ca 150 from overseas).
Scala Lecture:
T. Hayashi: "Composites In Japan
General Lectures:
A. Kelly: "Composites In Engineering"
G. S. Springer: "A Model of the Curing Process of Epoxy Matrix Composites"
R. A. Signorelli: "High Temperature Resistant Composites and Those Applications"
N. J. Hoff: "Composite Materials In Aircraft Structures"
R. J. Schllekelmann: "Adhesive Bonding and Advanced Composites"
M. Tatsuhana: "Advanced Composite Materials Reinforcement Fiber Production and Its Application In Japan"
1. Impact ••• Energy Absorption by Composites,
2. FRM and FRP for High Temperature Use,
3. Design and Fabrication; Present and Future,
4. Testing and Reliability of Composites,
5. Potential of Composites, Economy and Energy Saving, etc.
The contributed papers accepted were arranged In 22 sessions. Percentage of the fields specified Is approximately 6 % for constituents, 6 % for Interfaclal problems, 43 % for mechanical, physical and chemical properties, 8 % for structures, 18 % for metal and ceramic matrix composites and 18 % for design, fabrication and testing. The areal fraction presumably well reflects current world-wide trend of composite materials.
Approximately 500 applicants from over 20 countries are expected to participate In this conference. The conference Includes the meeting of International Organizing Committee, presentation of a film on technologies In Japan, ladies' programs, technical tours, and a banquet. The conference Is held at Klkal Shlnko Kalkan, Mlnato-ku, Tokyo, and the banquet at Chlnzan-so.
Tokyo had not been chosen as the place for this meeting until May, 1981. Since then, I myself as General Chairman have been encouraged by a number of enthusiastic and dedicating Individuals and organizations Inside and outside Japan. The National Organizing Committee and the Subcommittees conducting programming, publishing the Proceedings, budgeting, exhibition planning, and meeting arrangement made their best effort to have this conference possible in such a short period of 17 months with limited financial situation. The members list is placed at the end of this volume. I would like to express my hearty thanks to all members and organizations concerned. I appreciate a considerable financial support made by The Commemorative Association for World Exposition (1970) and Nihon Itagarasu Zairyokogaku Joseikai. I am also grateful to Mr. B. R. Noton, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, TMS-AIME Representative, General Secretary ICCM, for his advice and contribution to arrange the Conference.
In closing, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for contribution and warm cooperation of all authors, chairmen, and participants.
And I also appreciate the combined effort for the organization of this conference by:
Japan Society for Composite Materials,
The Metallurgical Society of AIME,
The Japan Reinforced Plastics Society,
and The Society of Materials Science, Japan.
Tsuyoshi Hayashi, Conference Chairman
University of Tokyo, Japan