Paper number 890


X. Aubard1, C. Cluzel2,3 P. Ladevèze2 and J.N. Périé2

1SEP Division de SNECMA, Le Haillan BP 37, 33165 St MEDARD-EN-JALLES, FRANCE
2LMT Cachan, E.N.S. de Cachan / C.N.R.S. / Univ. P. et M. CURIE, 61 avenue du Président
Wilson, 94235 CACHAN Cedex, FRANCE
3IUT GMP EVRY, Cours Mrg Roméro, 91000 EVRY, FRANCE

Summary SEP Division de SNECMA manufactures new Carbon/Carbon materials reinforced with an original multidirectional texture. A first series of [0,90]n satin composite made of non-continuous fibres has been tested. A model written at a mesoscopic scale (ply scale) is used in order to understand and predict the different degradation mechanisms. Experimental results are compared to simulations. New tests using an optical displacement measurement have then been performed on another type of [0,90]n satin composite. This technique allows estimating strain field heterogeneities and localising degradations. A finite element modelling is finally proposed in order to understand the influence of manufacture onto the mechanical behaviour.
Keywords modelling, damage, carbon/carbon, meso-scale, micro-cracks closure, optical strain field measurements, manufacture simulation.

Theme : Ceramic Matrix and C/C Composites ; Characterisation and Modelling

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