Paper number 544


E. Fenard1, M. Desmaison-Brut2, S. Clédat3, C. Gault4, M. Huger5

1, 2, 3Sciences des Procédés Céramiques et de Traitements de Surface, CNRS UMR 6638. Faculté des Sciences - 123, Avenue Albert Thomas, 87060 Limoges Cedex France
4, 5Groupe d'Etudes des Matériaux Hétérogènes, ENSCI - 47, Avenue Albert Thomas, 87065 Limoges Cedex France

Summary High density refractory AlN-TiN, AlN-TiB2 and TiN-TiB2 composites, as well as the monolithic ceramics : i.e. aluminium nitride AlN, titanium nitride TiN and titanium diboride TiB2 were elabored by Hot Isostatic Pressing.
Measurements of the Young's and Shear moduli of these polycrystalline materials were performed at room temperature by an ultrasonic pulse-echo method.
First, the study aim was the elastic properties examination of composites at room temperature. Second, the experimental values obtained on various compositions were compared to predict values based on semi-empirical equations proposed in literature for a two-phased ceramic. Correlations between the theoretical and the experimental moduli are discussed.
Keywords elastic properties, hot isostatic pressing, particulate biphased ceramics, titanium nitride, aluminium nitride, titanium diboride.

Theme : Ceramic Matrix and C/C Composites ; Thermo-mechanical behaviour

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